Curious Rebels RPG:
Online Virtual RPG Group for Adults

Playing as someone else can teach you something about yourself…

This Spring (April 3rd through May 1st), Mark and Adam are facilitating a six-session online therapeutic roleplaying group for adults who want to play around issues of identity, fitting in, and difference. In concert with one of the GMs, each group member will develop a character they want to explore within the world of our game and we will develop a story that allows each member to explore that character’s story over the course of the group campaign.

Who is the group for?

This group is ideal for individuals who love roleplaying games and collaborative storytelling within a group—individuals who are looking for a tailored and responsive gaming experience focusing on character, collaboration, and creativity.  It’s also an ideal group for folks new to the experience to learn more about roleplaying and develop their group RPG skills in a chill, friendly, and supportive environment.

Develop a character to explore a part of you that isn’t getting enough “play” in your regular day-to-day life, or to explore an issue that’s important to you. Or, honestly, invest time in a fantasy world because you’re looking for a much-needed break from the current real world.

The group will be capped at six members in order to provide adequate time for each member to engage in the creation process and in the play.

Scheduling. From now until mid-March, group candidates will be screened by one of the facilitators. Group members will design characters during two individual meetings with the facilitator.

Group sessions are two and a half hours and will run on six weekday evenings from April 3rd through May 1st, from 7:30–9:00PM.

Get rolling. To apply for a place in the group, or if you have any other questions, please contact me at:

Financial. The group costs $680 if you reserve your seat at the table by March 21st, $720 after that. [16+ hours of creation & play]

Given the complex times, partial scholarships for individuals who hold identities under threat (Immigrants, Transfolks, BIPOC folks) who wish to join are available for this campaign.  Please inquire by email.

Art Cred. All character artwork on this page other than the header was created by Agata Zebrowska.

Technical. Participants will need to have internet access and a device that allows them to meet online for video chat via Zoom. Partcipants will need a free membership on the gaming site Roll 20.

For a shared system, we will use a modified form of Kids on Brooms, a game designed for collaborative exploration of a magical world. You don’t need a copy to join the group, but it’s good/fun system to know.

Geek Cred. Adam (the drama therapist/Co-GM) has been a gamer far longer than he has been a therapist. He usually rolls cleric, but, like most drama therapists, he considers himself a bard. Mark (drama therapy intern/Co-GM) has loved the culture of gaming for a long time. From Consoles to Table-top Roleplaying games, each avenue has been a gateway for him to listen and play out engaging storylines.

Therapeutic vs. Therapy. While we believe playing RPGs can have significant positive impact on your life, this group is not a substitute for personal psychotherapy, where you can work on issues important to you in a way that centers your needs.